Career Pathways

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Earn FREE college credit with Polk State College while attending high school.


As a student in a Polk County Career Academy, Ridge Technical College, or Traviss Technical College, 如果你选择澳门新葡京博彩,你可以获得免费的大学学分, 通过澳门新葡京博彩和波尔克县学校董事会的合作. 如果您符合合作协议中列出的要求,您的学分可以应用于澳门新葡京博彩的证书和科学副学士学位.

It’s Free! You pay no tuition for credits you receive through the partnership.


Business, Engineering & Technology 

Aerospace Administration, Accounting Technology, Aviation Maintenance, Business Administration, Business Operational Management, Computer Systems & Business Analysis, Computer Networking, Digital Media Technology, Engineering Technology, Pilot Science, Supply Chain Management


Early Childhood Education, Elementary Education 

Health Sciences

Cardiovascular Technology, Diagnostic Medical Sonography, Medical Coding Specialist, Nursing, Radiography  

Public Safety


Civics Career Academies

公共服务职业道路倡议是州长罗恩·德桑蒂斯于2021年7月发起的更大的公民扫盲卓越倡议的一部分. 该倡议的目标是在当地高中创建公民职业学院,为学生在公共部门工作创造一条途径.

参加学院的学生将有机会获得项目管理的行业认证,并获得A级学分.S. degree at Polk State College. The four courses in the Academies are:

  • Public Service Leadership -学习如何在公共部门实践和体验领导力.
  • Public Service Careers and Communication -探索公共服务和非营利部门的广泛职业. 该课程将与佛罗里达公民和辩论倡议保持一致,将政府和非营利组织倡导所需的沟通和辩论技巧纳入其中.
  • Public Service Experiential Learning and Project Management -通过Certiport完成PMI项目管理就绪™行业认证.
  • Public Service Research -通过完成一项研究项目来解决公共部门的问题,该研究项目最终将形成一份实质性的研究论文,并向利益相关者展示研究结果.

What is the difference between AA and AS degrees?

AA 文科副学士为你在四年制大学继续获得学士学位做准备, such as Polk State College, or transfer to other state colleges and public universities. The majority of your courses are general education credits.
AS -科学副学士为你进入一个专门的职业领域做准备. 许多学分也部分或全部转移到澳门新葡京博彩或其他州立学院和公立大学. The majority of your courses are technical education credits.

Why an AS Degree? Did you know:

  • 澳门新葡京博彩三分之一的学生入学时的目标是获得AS学位,这样他们就可以在两年或更短的时间内开始自己的职业生涯.
  • Numerous high-skills, high-wage careers in healthcare, business, and information technology are open to AS graduates.
  • 这些课程的毕业生进入职场时,通常比拥有四年制学位的人有更高的起薪!
  • Certificate programs are also available in select program areas. Generally, these programs can be completed in one year or less. They provide rapid entry into the workforce, and the credits can be applied to an AS degree in the same field.

Continue your path and get your bachelor’s at Polk State College.

Once you have completed your Polk State AS Degree, not only will you have the technical skills to get a job, you can continue at Polk State, full or part-time, to complete a Bachelor of Applied Science degree. BAS学位为个人提供机会,通过完成管理和领导实践的高级课程,在副学士学位课程中获得基础技能.

  • Aerospace Administration, BS
  • Criminal Justice, BS
  • Early Childhood Education, BS
  • Elementary Education, BS
  • Professional Pilot Science, BS
  • RN to BSN
  • Supervision & Management, BAS with concentrations available in:
    • Business Administration
    • Healthcare Administration
    • Public Administration
    • Business Information Technology

For more information, visit or email


To receive credit:

  1. Enroll in one of the Career & Technical Education or Career Academy Programs at your school.
  2. Complete the curriculum of your program with a 3.0 GPA or better.
  3. Complete high school with an overall GPA of 2.0 or better.
  4. 成功完成每门课程的期末评估.
  5. 向澳门新葡京博彩录取和注册办公室提交波尔克县学校董事会的贺信副本. 这封信列出了获得的学分,可以通过拨打863从波尔克县学校董事会劳动力办公室获得.519.8707 or emailing Click HERE to see a sample of this letter.
    Polk State College
    Admission and Registrar’s Office
    Attn: Transcript Evaluation
    999 Avenue H NE
    Winter Haven, FL 33881
  6. Enroll in Polk State College, 在高中毕业后的三年内获得与高中课程相关的证书或副学士学位课程.
  7. 在澳门新葡京博彩获得至少三(3)个大学学分,然后您的学分将适用于您的科学副学士或证书课程.

Note: 澳门新葡京博彩不能保证将职业道路学分转移到其他机构. 每个机构对通过考试获得的职业道路学分都有自己的政策. 铰接学分将计入你的波尔克州立学位或证书, 但如果你没有从澳门新葡京博彩毕业,你就不能转到四年制大学. Application to Polk State is FREE.

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